Inflammable material is planted in my head It's a suspect device that's left 2000 dead Their solutions are our problems They put up the wall On each side time and prime us And make sure we get fuck all They play their games of power They mark and cut the pack They deal us to the bottom But what do they put back?
[Chorus:] Don't believe them Don't believe them Don't be bitten twice You gotta suss, suss, suss, suss, suss out Suss suspect device
They take away our freedom In the name of liberty Why don't they all just clear off Why won't they let us be They make us feel indebted For saving us from hell And then they put us through it It's time the bastards fell
Don't believe them Don't believe them Question everything you're told Just take a look around you At the bitterness and spite Why can't we take over and try to put it right
We're a suspect device if we do what we're told But a suspect device can score an own goal I'm a suspect device the Army can't defuse You're a suspect device they know they can't refuse We're gonna blow up in their face
"Prenez garde ! – La France, où grandit un autre âge, N'est pas si morte encor qu'elle souffre un outrage ! Les partis pour un temps voileront leur tableau. Contre une injure, ici, tout s'unit, tout se lève, Tout s'arme, et la Vendée aiguisera son glaive Sur la pierre de Waterloo
L'étranger briserait le blason de la France ! On verrait, enhardi par notre indifférence, Sur nos fiers écussons tomber son vil marteau ! Ah ! comme ce romain qui remuait la terre, Vous portez, ô français ! et la paix et la guerre Dans le pli de votre manteau."
Victor Hugo, "Ode à la colonne de la place Vendôme", 1827
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[image: Congés d'été pour Novopress]
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